NIC Guidelines for Managing COVID-19 Transmission on Campus

This article is intended to provide information to partners and visitors of Nebraska Innovation Campus to help reduce the potential transmission of COVID-19 during the current pandemic and to update everyone on measures NIC is taking to reduce potential transmissions. It is not intended to replace or supersede Nebraska Directed Health Measures ( or US CDC Guidelines.
The guidelines in this document have been developed taking the following into consideration:
- Nebraska Directed Health Measures (NDHM)
- US CDC Guidance Documents
- University of Nebraska–Lincoln guidance (to reduce confusion as people travel between campuses)
- Lancaster Health Department Directed Health Measures
General Guidance:
- Partners and visitors are required to wear facial coverings at all times while indoors at NIC and practice social distancing per the Lancaster County Health Directive (Please note: The current Lancaster County DHM ends August 31, so this may be updated at that time). Partners and visitors may remove facial coverings if they are the only person in a room.
- Partners and visitors are strongly encouraged to wash and sanitize hands frequently.
- Partners and visitors are required to follow CDC and NDHM restrictions and quarantine following travel.
- Use of the “1-Check COVID-19 Screening” app, developed by the University of Nebraska Medical Center, is strongly encouraged to provide guidance on symptoms and possible next steps.
- If you suspect that someone who works at NIC or has visited NIC has COVID-19 you should:
- Immediately ask the person to cover their face and leave the premise as quickly as possible. Encourage them to contact their health care professional for further instructions for potential COVID-19 testing.
- Do not allow the person to return until they are cleared by their health care professional.
- Notify Tetrad Property Group by calling (402) 434-9440 to let them know you have a potential case of COVID-19. If no one answers, please call the NIC Administrative Office at (402) 472-5535. Do not relay the name of the individual.
- Determine if others in your area have had prolonged contact with the person to determine if other employees should be sent home to quarantine until the potential case is resolved.
- If you have a confirmed case of COVID-19 you should:
- Immediately notify Lancaster County Health Department (402) 441-8006 and ask for instructions on how best to safeguard your employees.
- Immediately notify Tetrad Property Group (402) 434-9440 to let them know that someone in your office has tested positive for COVID-19. If no one answers, please call the NIC Administrative Office at (402) 472-5535. Do not relay the name of the individual.
- Notify everyone in the office and/or those that have come into contact with the infected individual that an exposure has occurred and to take necessary precautions per CDC guidelines.
- If the infected person has been in the office less than 7 days ago you should close off any areas used for prolonged periods of time by that person.
- Wait 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting to reduce the risk of transmission to the cleaning staff.
- Open outside windows and doors to increase air circulation as much as possible.
- Partners leasing space on NIC may choose to have different requirements within their leased spaces.
- Partners on the same floor of an individual building may develop common requirements for all persons on that floor, if partners all agree on such actions.
- Face-to-face meetings should be avoided whenever possible.
What is NIC and Tetrad Property Group Doing to Keep You Safe?
- Tetrad Property Group has placed hand sanitizer dispensers in common areas throughout campus.
- FBG, the campus janitorial service provider, has increased their level of disinfecting with their normal cleaning routines. They have also sprayed the common areas with an electrostatic disinfectant. (Please note: This disinfectant is available and can be used in specific offices or areas if there is a confirmed or presumed case.)
- NanoSeptic self-cleaning surfaces have been placed on high touch areas including doors and elevator buttons. NanoSeptic skins clean based on technology, not toxins. NanoSeptic skins turn dirty, high traffic public touch points into continuously self-cleaning surfaces. For more information, please visit
- Complimentary NIC branded four-layer facial coverings and touchless door opener devices are available to all partners. Please stop by Tetrad Property Group (Suite 1100) to pick them up.
- Air purification enhancements will be made to each building by installing Global Plasma Solutions bi-polar ionization units to air-handling units employing a process that helps kill viruses in the environment.
- Traffic pattern changes such as separately designated up and down staircases have been implemented.
What Can You Do to Keep Yourself, Coworkers and Your Family Safe?
- Self-monitor for symptoms and stay home when ill or after having been exposed to someone known or suspected of having COVID-19.
- Wear a facial covering at all times when indoors or in public spaces where social distancing cannot be guaranteed.
- Wash hands thoroughly and often.
- Refrain from touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth.
- Encourage others to wear facial coverings and wash their hands thoroughly and often.
- Practice social distancing, by maintaining 6 feet of distance from others.
- Avoid large gatherings.