Water for Food Global Forum tackles water and food security in month-long virtual event

Water for Food Global Forum

The Daugherty Water for Food Institute (DWFI) at the University of Nebraska will host the Water for Food Global Forum in October 2021. Registration is now open and will continue throughout the event. This free, virtual series covers one month of discussions, presentations, workshops and case studies through live sessions and on-demand content. The Forum will convene leading international experts, growers and organizations to tackle issues related to achieving global water and food security and focus on integrating knowledge and practice.

In place of its flagship Water for Food Global Conference, in 2021 the institute is capturing the depth and breadth of its global connections and expertise through a variety of free, virtual events. The Forum will provide an opportunity for individuals with diverse areas of expertise and interest to learn about, collaborate and strategize solutions to pressing issues related to water and food, including those exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“While we are disappointed that the global pandemic prevents us from meeting in person this year, we are excited that this virtual event allows for a more diverse audience to contribute to the conversation,” said Peter G. McCornick, DWFI executive director.

Each week will dive into a new topic related to global water and food security including: 

  • Food systems and nutrition (October 3-9)
  • Innovations and entrepreneurship in agriculture and water management (October 10-16)
  • Water and nutrient management (October 17-23)
  • Climate change and extreme events (October 24-30)

In the first week, multidisciplinary experts will explore the influence that water has on food systems and nutrition on both a global and local scale. This will include a moderated panel discussion on the impacts, innovations and outcomes to come out of the United Nations Food Systems Summit this September.

Week two will dive into innovations and entrepreneurship seen in agriculture and water management. One session will showcase women innovators who are working to solve farming challenges. Other sessions from this week will examine the changing landscapes and methods of managing water around the world, including the topics of smallholder farmers; innovations in irrigation; and ways to evaluate gaps and opportunities for research, service and investment. 

In week three, we will take a closer look at the local impacts of water quality and nutrient management. This includes discussions on the economic and human health costs of nitrate pollution; investigating pollution from the ethanol plant in Mead, Nebraska; how to accelerate innovation through collective action; and solutions related to wastewater and its reuse.

The forum will wrap up by discussing the influence of climate change and extreme events on water and food security. Experts will discuss the impacts that extreme weather-related events have on water, food systems and human health. Other sessions feature case studies on climate adaptation.

Event registration, agenda and speaker information is available at go.unl.edu/waterforfood.

About the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute
The Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska was founded in 2010 to address the global challenge of achieving food security with less stress on water resources by conducting scientific and policy research, using the results to inform and advise policymakers, and educating future water for food leaders. Learn more at waterforfood.nebraska.edu/.