Interdisciplinary retreat fosters collaboration

Research collaborations begin with conversations.
That was the message at UNL's 2014 Interdisciplinary Faculty Retreat on May 15-16, which also served as the kickoff event at Nebraska Innovation Campus' new conference center. Researchers from across campus met their faculty colleagues and learned about research going on at the university.
The retreat provided faculty the opportunity to hear from national speakers, connect with researchers from diverse disciplines, learn about future directions in research and contribute their ideas to help build new collaborative research initiatives.
Sessions were structured to be inclusive and encourage participation across disciplines. Faculty members also had time to hear about interdisciplinary programs at UNL and to network and socialize and take advantage of NIC's design -- to foster the kind of conversations that lead to big research ideas and collaborations.
As a special incentive to build collaborative teams and pursue big ideas, up to $500,000 in seed grants were to be awarded to interdisciplinary faculty teams emerging from the retreat who propose innovative research projects that can lead to significant funding and help us meet the university's Research and Economic Development Initiative goals. More information about the seed grants were to be announced during the retreat.
The event was sponsored by the Research Advisory Board, Office of Research and Economic Development, Office of the Chancellor, Office of Academic Affairs and Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources.
For more information on the retreat, click here.